Friday, July 19, 2024

Everything in the material world is an illusion - how to transport kingdom resources from the spirit realm to the material realm
Claiming 7 times what the thieves (John 10:10a (Ketuanan Melayu aka Political Islam aka the Medina Muslims and the unHoly Roman Empire aka Khazarian Mafia)


00:00:00 - 00:45:00
In the second part of Apostle Joshua Selman's YouTube video "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL," he emphasizes the importance of contending for light and knowledge of spiritual resources in the realm of the spirit to manifest them in the physical world. He also discusses the significance of pressing into the realm of consciousness and conviction, where believers can unlock spiritual blessings by focusing on deeper truths hidden within God's light. Apostle Selman encourages meditation as a tool for transporting spiritual realities from the spirit realm into our consciousness and making them a dominant part of our thoughts. He emphasizes the importance of deeply believing in spiritual truths and becoming one with them, which becomes a settled reality in one's consciousness. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of staying focused on a specific scripture until the spiritual revelation of its treasure is fully realized in one's consciousness. Apostle Selman discusses the power of meditation and the use of imagination to manifest spiritual realities from the spirit realm to the physical world, and encourages listeners to align their imagination with their prayers.

00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL |Part 2|APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN," Apostle Joshua Selman emphasizes that all Kingdom resources are first spiritual, residing in the realm of the spirit. To transport and bring these spiritual resources to the physical realm for the profiting of the Saints, one must contend for light, which means having knowledge of the resources available in Christ. Without awareness of their availability, one cannot receive them. The first key to manifesting spiritual realities is to contend for light and knowledge of the spiritual resources in the spirit realm.
00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL |Part 2|APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN," Apostle Joshua Selman emphasizes the importance of pressing into the realm of consciousness and conviction to manifest spiritual realities. He explains that while God's light is necessary, it is not enough on its own. Believers must also learn to see through His light and understand the deeper truths hidden within it. The term "conscious" means being aware of and having the ability to perceive, and believers must train themselves to be fully present and receptive to the spiritual realities around them. By focusing on the realm of consciousness and conviction, believers can unlock the spiritual resources and blessings that are already available to them in the spirit realm.
00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL |Part 2|APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN," Apostle Joshua Selman discusses the concept of consciousness and how it relates to manifesting spiritual realities. He explains that consciousness means being awake and aware of a reality, and that when something dominates our thoughts, it becomes conscious to us. Using the example of applying for a visa, Selman illustrates how powerful the mind is in simulating experiences and making us conscious of things we have never physically encountered. He emphasizes the importance of meditation as a tool for transporting spiritual realities from the spirit realm into our consciousness and making them a dominant part of our thoughts. Selman encourages listeners to immerse themselves in the truths of scripture through meditation, allowing the word of God to become spirit and life and occupy their consciousness.
00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL |Part 2|APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN," Apostle Joshua Selman emphasizes the importance of deeply believing in spiritual truths and becoming one with them. He explains that true belief cannot be denied or betrayed, and that it becomes a settled reality in one's consciousness. Selman uses the example of someone who identifies as a giver, and how they would not be swayed by a single message against giving if they truly believed in it. He also shares personal experiences of how certain spiritual truths entered his consciousness and transformed his life, leading to a sense of dominion and prosperity. Selman encourages listeners to meditate on these truths and allow them to become a part of their consciousness, rather than just intellectual knowledge. He emphasizes that this is not about empty boasting, but about truly internalizing and embodying these spiritual realities.
00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL |Part 2|," Apostle Joshua Selman emphasizes the importance of staying focused on a specific scripture until the spiritual revelation of its treasure is fully realized in one's consciousness. He explains that this realm of sufficiency, where one does not lack help or resources, is a realm of consciousness that both science and religion acknowledge as controlling manifestation. Selman shares his belief that there are certain things he will never experience as a victim to, such as lack of help from people, due to his deep spiritual understanding gained through his connection to scripture. He also discusses his commitment to avoiding manipulation and dishonesty in ministry, despite the financial pressures that come with feeding a large number of people.
00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL |Part 2|APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN," the speaker expresses his frustration with not seeing results from his spiritual practices despite his efforts. He confesses his ignorance and seeks a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm and its connection to the physical world. The speaker emphasizes that holding onto the realm of the spirit is essential to controlling the physical realm and that the anointing, a spiritual gift, is for genuine servants of God who desire to see Him glorified beyond their reputation. He shares his revelation of the importance of God's presence and the need to move beyond just reading scripture to allowing the spirit of God to move it into one's consciousness. The speaker encourages listeners to stay focused on God's presence and trust that He will bring the men and circumstances necessary to make spiritual realities become a reality in their lives.
00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL |Part 2|APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN," Apostle Joshua Selman discusses the importance of consciousness and meditation in manifesting spiritual realities from the spirit realm to physical life. He explains that when a revelation from the spirit enters one's consciousness, it can bring about significant changes in their life, just like an explosion in the spirit. Selman encourages listeners to focus on one scripture that they need to meditate upon until they feel the light entering their spirit. He emphasizes that it is not their ability but God's grace that enables them to prosper. Selman also shares that the revelation for some may be that God is the one who gives them the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches of secret places. He encourages meditation through hearing and speaking the word of God.
00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "HOW TO MANIFEST SPIRITUAL REALITIES FROM THE SPIRIT REALM TO PHYSICAL |Part 2|APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN," Apostle Joshua Selman discusses the power of meditation and the use of imagination to manifest spiritual realities from the spirit realm to the physical world. He emphasizes the importance of repeating thoughts and declarations, using scriptures and verses, and focusing on specific realities to bring them into being. Apostle Selman shares his personal experience of shrinking the map of Abuja during prayer, which he interprets as a sign of God's readiness to start a new ministry. He encourages listeners to look at the world from the Creator's perspective and to not be discouraged by mockers, as they may be on the path to greatness.
00:40:00 In this section of the video, Apostle Joshua Selman emphasizes the importance of controlling one's meditation and thoughts to manifest spiritual realities from the spiritual realm to the physical world. He advises against focusing on disappointments and negative thoughts, instead encouraging listeners to meditate on things that are pure, true, honest, just, lovely, and of good report as per Philippians 4:8. The speaker emphasizes that anything outside of this list is a risk to one's destiny. He also shares his personal experience of being blessed by the message and encourages listeners to share the video with others who may benefit from it. Dave, a commentator, highlights the importance of imagination and faith in entering the spiritual realm and emphasizes the need to look "stupid" to the physical world while confessing scriptures. He encourages listeners to bring the word of God not just to their current situation but above it, until it becomes their imagination.
00:45:00 In this section of the video, Apostle Joshua Selman emphasizes the importance of aligning one's imagination with prayers for manifesting spiritual realities from the spiritual realm to the physical world. He shares that many people have reported this as the missing link after engaging in prayer and fasting. Selman encourages listeners to ask God for grace to access this realm and to embrace meditation, work on it, write it down, and speak it out until they see the reality align with the words from the Bible they have received. He concludes by thanking viewers for joining the conversation and inviting them to share their thoughts in the comment section.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Kinoingan is calling His people .... Flood after floods ... YB Datuk Ignatius Dorell Leiking pleading for the GRS government to be strict with contractors involved in the flood mitigation in Penampang Moyog Kepayan.

JULY 9, 2024
**Datuk Ignatius Dorell Leiking [Moyog]:** Thank you and kotohuadan, Datuk Speaker. I want to refer to a response I received in December 2021, when the Moyog Assembly Member asked the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, which is responsible for the flooding problems in Sabah. In its response, Moyog had asked whether a study had been conducted regarding the cause of the mud flood that occurred on September 15, 2021, in Kodou Sugud, Moyog. The answer was that they had requested funding from KASA, the Ministry of Environment, and JPS—sorry, JPS had requested funding from KASA to conduct a study and identify how to address flooding in Sungai Moyog. Datuk Speaker, on June 30, 2024, there was another flood, which my friend Mr. Michael Law described as “not the best, but the best of all the worst.” My house, which is frequently flooded, was almost half destroyed this time. This is just my house, and I know many friends, Datuk Speaker, who have lost their homes. They’ve lost their cars; the damage is beyond belief. I don’t think the Government has even conducted any study to find out what the damage is and how people can return to life as normal. In Kuala Lumpur in 2022, when they experienced flooding, the Government at that time conducted a study and found that there were two billion losses in Kuala Lumpur due to flooding. In Penampang, Moyog, and Kapayan, I think our losses cannot be quantified by numbers alone, Datuk Speaker, but we must also consider the indirect and direct losses that we have. Imagine, Datuk Speaker, if someone was supposed to have surgery on Monday, July 1, but on June 30, 2024, Moyog was hit by a flood. That person could not go to the hospital, either private or government. So, this has already caused one person to lose their life or possible health treatment. Schools are the same. I understand my school was damaged, and they have tried to find ways to repair it. Some schools have started, but imagine those children and families who lost everything. Their uniforms are gone. Their books are gone. Yes, refrigerators, televisions, and all their furniture are gone, but some people have lost memories that cannot be taken back, such as old photos from the 1970s and 1980s that were never digitized. These are all the effects that we now know have happened to our people in Penampang. Loss of vehicles. YB Kapayan mentioned Kiranau. In Kiranau, you can see and…

I want to ask JKR, their contractor from Pan Borneo. Why did they leave iron rods in the river like this? Are these the causes of the flood that hit the people in Kiranau and the rest of Moyog? If we look at Google Maps, this is not the latest Google Map, but you can see, Datuk Speaker, some of the photos clearly show the work done by the Pan Borneo contractor. Pan Borneo, their contractors cut down all the trees and the hills. I don’t know if they made any mitigation efforts to ensure that all these flash floods could have been prevented. The Minister responded in the question session earlier. Fifteen contracts remain unfinished under Pan Borneo. I don’t know how many in Penampang, but I think a lot. The causes of these problems are due to the actions of the contractors. Have you reviewed them? I want the government to tell us whether they have reviewed the work of these contractors. They are earning hundreds of millions or billions in contracts, yet their empathy for the people is not there. Even as a layperson in engineering, I can clearly see that the way these Pan Borneo contractors are doing their work is definitely one of the many causes of flash floods in Penampang. I’d like to know if the Ministry of Agriculture has conducted a study and whether they share the same data. Don’t protect these contractors. I understand that these contractors are delayed due to land acquisition and other issues. We can see the audit report, Datuk Speaker. The problem with implementing projects in Sabah relates to land acquisition or utility issues. How on earth do you apply for these projects when all this hasn’t been resolved? How can you start a good project when you haven’t even bothered to settle basic things like land acquisition and utility movements or placements? All these basic issues have accumulated and caused problems in Moyog. Datuk Speaker, I’d like to bring to your attention. In the special allocation of the Chief Minister, I don’t have it here, but there was an increase in the special allocation to four, 500 thousand from three million. This is the touch of love. I heard Kapayan mention that there was also a special allocation given to their government assembly members. We don’t have that. I am not complaining. We chose to represent the people; no one forced us. But when disasters like this occur, I think the government must lend us help immediately. If not to me, then give it to your UPPM or DO. Let them audit every single penny they spend. Datuk Speaker, there are so many things I would like to say here, that I want to bring up. JKR, one, two, three, four, five. On one page, there are already five additional allocations to repair and restore flood damage. Prevent, repair, and restore flood damage. It’s repetitive, prevent, repair, and restore flood damage. The total is 2.7 million, one million being the biggest to prevent, repair, and restore flood damage. Last year’s approval for the 2024 Budget was 100 million, and an additional 40 million was approved. Why do we keep spending money, after money, after money to solve floods that the government should have known about because they studied them early on? They did not clean up the big drains. We look at the big drains on the way to the airport, Datuk Speaker, and the next time you go to the airport, look to your left. The water level didn’t even reduce, even on a dry day. The water is still high. Yes, it’s easy to make excuses about high tide and low tide, but the fact is there is no clean-up. The fact is we have become too comfortable, hoping there is no flood. I cannot speak for everyone, but I think the people of Penampang have had enough. Flood after flood. This is not like ADUN Lamag said earlier, this flood didn’t happen two or three times. In my memory, the worst, the best of the worst, was on June 30, but there were many worse, four to five worse before that. Every time we try to help, people try to help after the flood, but nobody asks what was done before the flood to reduce its impact. Now, after the flood, what are you doing? Have you deployed your assets to clean up the areas and identify ways to reduce the possibility of future floods based on previous studies? Datuk Speaker, if you remember, I asked two sessions ago about the possibility of a big flood, and true enough, there was a big flood.

So, Datuk Speaker……solve the problem, reduce the impact. Nobody can fight God. I have never heard of anyone being able to fight natural disasters or God. No way. But you can greatly reduce it because you have the assets. Today I’m saying this regarding the reduction of floods; in reducing the impact of floods, this government has failed. Thank you, Datuk Speaker.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Doa untuk Mangsa Banjir di Sabah, Khususnya di Penampang

Doa untuk Mangsa Banjir di Sabah, Khususnya di Penampang

**Ya Bapa Yahweh Yang Maha Kuasa,**

Kami datang dihadapanMu dengan hati yang berat, mengangkat para mangsa banjir baru-baru ini di Sabah, khususnya di Penampang. Kami tahu bahawa dalam masa bencana dan kesukaran, Engkau hadir, menawarkan keselesaan, petunjuk, dan harapan. Kami berdoa agar melalui pengalaman ini, hati mereka yang terjejas boleh dilunakkan dan mereka benar-benar mencari KerajaanMu dan kebenaranMu.

**Mencari Kerajaan Bapa Yahweh Dan Kebenaran-Nya**

**Matius 6:33**: "Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Bapa Yahweh Dan kebenaran-Nya, dan semua perkara ini akan ditambahkan kepadamu."

Ya Bapa Yahweh, kami berdoa agar di tengah-tengah cobaan mereka, penduduk Penampang memalingkan hati mereka kepada-Mu, mencari Kerajaan-Mu dan kebenaran-Mu di atas segala-galanya. Semoga mereka mendapat ketenangan dan penyediaan ketika mereka mendekat kepada-Mu.

**Mencari Keselesaan dalam Bapa Yahweh**

**Mazmur 34:18**: "TUHAN dekat kepada mereka yang patah hati dan menyelamatkan mereka yang patah semangat."

Ya Bapa Yahweh, kami memohon agar Engkau menghiburkan mereka yang patah hati dan patah semangat akibat banjir. Semoga mereka merasakan kehadiran-Mu yang penuh kasih dan mendapati penghiburan dalam janji-janji-Mu.

**Berpaling kepada Bapa Yahweh Di Masa Kesukaran**

**Mazmur 46:1**: "Bapa Yahweh Kita ialah tempat perlindungan dan kekuatan kita, penolong yang sedia menghampiri dalam kesesakan."

Kami mengaku bahawa Engkau adalah tempat perlindungan dan kekuatan bagi penduduk Penampang. Di tengah-tengah kesusahan mereka, semoga mereka mendapati dalam-Mu pertolongan yang sentiasa ada dan sumber penghiburan.

**Pemulihan dan Penyembuhan**

**Yeremia 30:17**: "Tetapi Aku akan menyembuhkan engkau dan menyembuhkan luka-lukamu, demikianlah firman TUHAN."

Ya Bapa Yahweh, kami berdoa untuk pemulihan dan penyembuhan bagi mereka yang terjejas akibat banjir. Semoga mereka mengalami pemulihan fizikal, emosi, dan rohani melalui limpahan kasih dan rahmat-Mu.

**Harapan dan Masa Depan**

**Yeremia 29:11**: "Sebab Aku mengetahui rancangan-rancangan yang ada pada-Ku mengenai kamu, demikianlah firman TUHAN, yaitu rancangan untuk kesejahteraan dan bukan untuk kecelakaan, untuk memberikan kamu hari yang penuh harapan."

Kami percaya bahawa Engkau mempunyai rancangan untuk memberkati penduduk Penampang, memberikan mereka harapan dan masa depan yang cerah. Di tengah-tengah penderitaan mereka, semoga mereka menemukan harapan baru dan keyakinan dalam janji-janji-Mu.

**Memalingkan Hati kepada Bapa Yahweh dalam Masa Kesukaran**

**Yehezkiel 36:26**: "Aku akan memberikan kepadamu hati yang baru dan roh yang baru akan Kuberikan kepadamu; Aku akan menyingkirkan hati batu dari tubuhmu dan Aku akan memberikan kepadamu hati daging."

Ya Bapa Yahweh, kami memohon agar Engkau melunakkan hati mereka yang terjejas akibat banjir. Singkirkan segala hati yang keras dan gantikan dengan hati yang terbuka kepada kasih dan petunjuk-Mu. Semoga mereka mencari hubungan yang lebih dalam dengan-Mu dan mengalami kekuatan transformatif dari Roh-Mu yang Kudus.

**Kedamaian dan Kekuatan**

**Yesaya 40:29-31**: "Dialah yang memberikan kekuatan kepada yang lemah, dan memberi kekuatan kepada yang tidak berdaya. Anak-anak muda dapat keletihan dan lelah, dan para pemuda dapat jatuh, tetapi mereka yang menanti-nantikan TUHAN akan mendapat kekuatan baru. Mereka akan mengibarkan sayap seperti burung rajawali, mereka akan berlari dan tidak menjadi lelah, mereka akan berjalan dan tidak menjadi lemas."

Kami berdoa untuk kekuatan dan kedamaian yang diperbaharui bagi mangsa-mangsa banjir. Semoga mereka menemukan harapan dalam-Mu, bangkit di atas keadaan mereka dengan kekuatan dan ketabahan yang hanya Engkau yang dapat berikan.


Ya Bapa Yahweh, kami mengangkat penduduk Penampang dan semua yang terjejas akibat banjir di Sabah. Kami percaya akan kasih-Mu, penyediaan-Mu, dan kesetiaan-Mu. Semoga masa yang sukar ini mendekatkan mereka kepada-Mu, mencari Kerajaanmu dan kebenaranMu, serta mengalami limpahan kasih dan rahmat-Mu yang melimpah.

Dalam nama Yesus yang perkasa, kami berdoa. Amin.