Thursday, May 16, 2024

JKM18:19 20 - Vision, Mission and Objectives

1. Community Building and Fellowship:
Theme Description: 
Cultivating strong bonds of friendship, support, and belonging within the community, based on the teachings of Christ.
Facilitate regular gatherings, events, and activities that foster community interaction and connection.
Provide support networks and small group settings for deeper relationships and mutual encouragement.
Promote a culture of hospitality, generosity, and service towards one another.

2. Servant Leadership and Humility:
Theme Description: 
Embracing the model of servant leadership exemplified by Jesus Christ, characterized by humility, compassion, and selflessness.
Encourage leaders to serve with humility, prioritizing the needs of others above their own.
Provide training and resources on servant leadership principles and practices.
Foster a culture of mutual respect, collaboration, and empowerment within leadership structures.

3. Biblical Discipleship and Mentorship:
Theme Description: 
Following the example of Jesus Christ in making disciples and mentoring others in the Christian faith and life.
Establish formal discipleship programs and mentorship relationships within the community.
Provide resources and materials for spiritual growth, including Bible study guides, devotional materials, and theological education.
Equip individuals to mentor and disciple others, passing on the faith from one generation to the next.

4. Prayer and Spiritual Warfare:
Theme Description: 
Recognizing the importance of prayer and spiritual warfare in living out the Christian faith and engaging in spiritual battles.
Promote a culture of prayer and intercession, both individually and corporately.
Provide training and resources on spiritual warfare and discernment of spiritual realities.
Organize prayer initiatives and seasons of fasting and seeking God's guidance and intervention.

5. Living Out Christian Values in Daily Life:
Theme Description: 
Integrating Christian values and principles into every aspect of life, including work, family, relationships, and decision-making.
Provide practical teaching and resources on applying biblical principles to daily challenges and situations.
Encourage ethical conduct, integrity, and honesty in all endeavors.
Support individuals in navigating moral dilemmas and making Christ-centered choices in their personal and professional lives.

6. Mission and Evangelism:
Theme Description: 
Embracing the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations and share the love and message of Jesus Christ with others.
Equip believers with evangelism training and resources for sharing their faith effectively.
Engage in local and global mission initiatives, partnering with churches and organizations to meet physical and spiritual needs.
Create opportunities for evangelism and outreach through community events, service projects, and relational connections.
These thematic areas emphasize the importance of community, discipleship, prayer, and mission in living out a Christ-centered life and building a vibrant and faithful community of believers.

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