Sunday, June 23, 2024

Malaysia Merdeka NOT Malaysia Mad-a-ni (political Islam)

One main worry for Christian believers is the implementation of Sharia law in Malaysia. While Malaysia has a dual legal system, with civil courts that are based on common law and Sharia courts, the implementation of Sharia law has been a contentious issue. Some Christians believe that Sharia law may impede their religious freedoms and could potentially limit their ability to practice their faith freely.

Furthermore, as Malaysia Madani moves towards the promotion of Islamic values in society, Christians may face increasing pressure to conform to Islamic practices and beliefs. This could potentially lead to tensions between different religious communities in Malaysia.

For Sabah and Sarawak where the Koran and haddiths are considered "a lie from the pit of hell" especially so, that the RC catechism endorsed Allah as the same as Yah (YHVH Elohim), another lie from Satan aka Al-Lah (Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat), Malaysia Madani is a subtle trap to for those who are biblically and spiritually illiterate and lukewarm Christians.

Expound and explain giving the relevant biblical texts, published journals, thesis, dissertation, ebooks, videos and URLs, if any, for support.

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